The Dime Bank
Fame Day

Fame Day

By: Brad Loff | Sportzwire | August 4, 2024

Summer at FAME Strength is a whirlwind of activity. From 5:30am until 8pm, the facility buzzes with energy. Most days entail continuous action since it's the off-season for athletes, with the exception of some baseball players. Athletes at all levels dedicate their summer to training in preparation for the most demanding sports season, which kicks off in the fall. Speed and strength are crucial advantages for athletes, making effective preparation essential. FAME Strength fosters a unique atmosphere where the region's elite athletes challenge one another to enhance their skills. Healthy competition is the cornerstone of summer training, embodying the principle that "iron sharpens iron."

FAME proudly retains numerous athletes year after year, with many exceptional high school players having the chance to train for collegiate sports. FAME is deeply appreciative of the opportunity to aid athletes in reaching this level through both mental and physical preparation. In recent years, the recruitment of high school athletes in Northeast PA for college athletics has seen significant growth. FAME has established itself as a primary hub for this training.

The summer culminates in a festive occasion known as “FAME Day,” which brings together the FAME community for games, raffles, food, and the awarding of scholarships to deserving athletes. In 2017, FAME Strength launched the Athlete Scholarship Fund, raising nearly $25,000 in scholarship funds over time. Athletes must navigate a demanding application process, displaying integrity both on the field and in their personal lives while demonstrating a commitment to self-improvement. This year, FAME awarded six scholarships valued at $1,000 each to local athletes. The recipients for 2024 include Kira Pomrinke (Stonehill), Colby Klinetob (Susquehanna University), Olivia Allen (Washington College), Jacob Ohrin (Ursinus), Makenzie Perluke (Ithaca), and Madelyn Keating (Mississippi State). Congratulations to this year's honorees!
